What is a Vote Center

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You'll have the opportunity to vote at any Vote Center located throughout Sacramento County.  Including the opportunity to vote 10 days before Election Day and on weekends.

Think of a Vote Center as your one-stop loca​tion for all things voting.  

Unlike traditi​onal polling places, Vote Centers allow you to:

  • vote 
  • solve voter registration issues
  • register to vote
  • get a replacement ballot
  • receive assistance for 11 days, not just one
  • save valuable time


​Voting Opti​ons

Your voice, your choice.

Vote Centers mean more options for voters.  Elections are no longer a one-day event.  Voting begins the month before Election Day when every voter in the County of Sacramento will receive a Vote by Mail ballot.  Take advantage of the alternatives available to avoid congestion - from voting at home, ballot drop off locations, in-person voting options, returning your ballot via the United States Postal Service, or personally deliver your ballot to us - the choice is yours.
​ ​​

​​Site Selection ​Considerations

​​Vote Center and​ ballot drop off location proximity to public transportation​.

​​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to communities with historically low vote by mail usage.

​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to population centers.

​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to language minority communities.

​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to voters with disabilities.

​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to communities with low rates of household vehicle ownership.

​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to low-income communities.

​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to communities of eligible voters who are not registered to vote and may need access to same day voter registration.

​Vote Center and ballot dropoff location proximity to geographically isolated populations, including Native American reservations.

​Access to accessible and free parking at Vote Centers and ballot dropoff locations.

​The distance and time a voter must travel by car or public transportation to a vote center and ballot dropoff location.

​The need for accessible methods for voters with disabilities for whom vote by mail ballots are not accessible to cast a ballot.

​Traffic patterns near Vote Centers and ballot dropoff locations.

​The need for mobile Vote Centers in addition to the number of vote centers established pursu​​ant to this section.​

If you know of a location that meets these considerations, we want to hear from you!

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​Vote Centers are the Better Choice

Vote Centers are designed to improve the voter experience.  Polling places were ​a mainstay of voting for many years, but the use of them has dropped dramatically.  Voters are gravitating towards convenience, and are voting their Vote by Mail ballot.  In many instances, are dropping it off or mailing it, rather than voting in-person.  Vote Centers adopt these changes and offer many more conveniences.


​Polling Place

​​​​​Vote Center

​Electronic voting system​

​​​​​​ ​

​Drop off ballot at any location

​​​​​​​​ ​

Accessible ballot marking device

​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ ​

Ballot printing on demand allows you to get your correct ballot


​Electronic check-in​​


​Conditional voting


​Trained Vote Center staff


​Vote at any location


​Multi-day voting
