Suggest a Vote Center or Official Ballot Drop Box Location

Inquire about the availability of documents in accessible​ formats.​​



​Have a Suggestion for a Vote Center or Official Ballot Drop Box Location?

The County of Sacramento is currently looking for facilities to serve as a Vote Center or Official Ballot Drop Box location for future elections.  If you know of a location that might make a great Vote Center or Official Ballot Drop Box location, you can let us know.  

Simply email​ and tell us where you would like to see a Vote Center or Official Ballot Drop Box location in your community! ​

Location Requirements

Vote Centers

  • Facility commitment to be open continuously for 11 days or 4 days, including Election Day. The 11 day commitment includes the two weekends before Election Day and the 4 day commitment includes one weekend before Election Day.
  • The ideal space for a Vote Center is approximately 30 feet by 30 feet.
  • The facility must be open to voters a minimum of eight hours per day; Election Day hours are still 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. 
  • Facility access for Vote Center staff (staffed by our office) is required one hour before and one hour after voting hours. Access to restrooms for Vote Center staff also required. 
  • Parking available for voters and Vote Center staff.
  • Secured storage area for voting equipment.
  • A survey of every facility needs to be completed by our staff to ensure accessibility requirements are met for voters with disabilities.
  • We will pay for use of a facility! Please email Precinct Operations for more information. 

​Official Ballot Drop Box

  • ​Facility commitment to be open during your regular business hours for 29 days, including Election Day.
  • A survey of every facility needs to be completed by our staff to ensure accessibility requirements are met for voters with disabilities.
  • Secured location.​

Location Considerations (Election Code 4005

​(i) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to public transportation.

(ii) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to communities with historically low vote by mail usage.

(iii) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to population centers.

(iv) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to language minority communities.

(v) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to voters with disabilities.

(vi) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to communities with low rates of household vehicle ownership.

(vii) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to low-income communities.

(viii) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to communities of eligible voters who are not registered to vote and may need access to same day voter registration.

(ix) Vote center and ballot dropoff location proximity to geographically isolated populations, including Native American reservations.

(x) Access to accessible and free parking at vote centers and ballot dropoff locations.

(xi) The distance and time a voter must travel by car or public transportation to a vote center and ballot dropoff location.

(xii) The need for alternate methods for voters with disabilities for whom vote by mail ballots are not accessible to cast a ballot.

(xiii) Traffic patterns near vote centers and ballot dropoff locations.

(xiv) The need for mobile vote centers in addition to the number of vote centers established pursuant to this section.

(xv) Vote center location on a public or private university or college campus.

​​Voter's Choice Act Data Map

The Voter's Choice Act requires the county to consider different communities and populations when selecting the Vote Center and ballot drop-off locations. The following maps show this information, using data from the Census Bureau and the County's Voter Registration files. These maps, along with community input over the coming months, will be used to select locations for Vote Centers and ballot drop-off boxes that best serve the County's diverse communities.​

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Vote Center Accessibility​

Vote Center (Polling Place) Accessibility Checklist will help surveyors check key features by asking questions about sizes, sloped surfaces, door openings, available parking spaces, and availability of accessible features.  

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​Vote Center and Official Ballot Drop Box Locations

If you are a voter in the County of Sacramento, you may find the Vote Center or Official Ballot Drop Box location most convenient to you by using My Voter Portal​​​ or the Vote Center and Official Ballot Drop Box Location webpage​ during each election cycle.​