To Vote for a Candidate or a Measure
- Completely fill in the oval to the left of the candidate's name or the words "YES" or "NO".
- Use a blue or black ballpoint pen.
- You may vote for as many or as few contests as you wish.

How to Vote for a Qualified Write-in Candidate
To vote for a
qualified write-in candidate, write the name of the qualified write-in candidate for that contest on the blank line provided. Completely fill in the oval to the left of the words "WRITE-IN".
If You Make a Mistake While Marking Your Ballot
Cross out or mark an "X" over the wrong oval.
- Completely fill in the correct oval.
- Write "Yes" next to your choice.
Do not sign or initial your choices.
Helpful Tips
Do not sign or initial anywhere on your ballot
Do not use red ink
Do not vote for more candidates than the "VOTE FOR" number indicated in each contest
For additional assistance, call 916-875-6451.