November 7, 20​23 Special General Election

SOS Randomized Alphabet Drawing​

Secretary of State Randomized Alphabet Drawing​- All contest ballot order will follow the results of the randomized drawing conducted by the Secretary of State.​

Candidate Report​

Candidate Report


To learn more about what activities occur during specified periods, consult the calendar for deadlines set by California Election Code.

Abbreviated Calendar

Candidate Guide
Candidate Guide

The Candidate Guide is intended to provide general information for candidates and does not have the force or effect of law, regulation, or rule. It is distributed with the understanding that the Voter Registration and Elections office of the County of Sacramento is not rendering legal advice. Therefore, the guide is not a substitute for legal counsel for the individual, organization or candidate using it.​
Candidate Forms

Ballot Designation Worksheet​ - Fill it out online, print, and bring it in signed.

​​Candidate Statement Form​ - If you are submitting a statement to be included in the County Voter Information Guide fill it out online, print, sign, and date. The first page of this form must be filled out and returned even if you do not plan on not submitting a candidate statement.

Code of Fair - Optional. Print and bring it in signed.

Letter of Authorization​ - To authorize anyone other than the candidate to pick up or drop off nomination paperwork.

Statement of Responsibility for Caltrans - Outdoor political signs. Fill it out online, print, and mail it to the address on the form.

Fair Political Practices Commission - Comprehensive list of FPPC forms​​