Voter Registration and Elections
Office of the Registrar of Voters

News Release

​​​​June 25, 2018

Contact:  Alice Jarboe, Interim Registrar of Voters

Statewide Direct Primary Election Final Update

Sacramento County Releases Final Election Results​​

Today, the Department of Voter Registration and Elections (DVRE) announced the canvass of the vote for the June 5, 2018 Statewide Direct Primary Election has been completed and final results have been reported. After receiving a record breaking amount of amount of Vote by Mail ballots, voter turnout reached 42% significantly surpassing the 2014 Primary Election voter turnout of 29.6 percent.

With Sacramento County being the largest of the five counties to implement the Voter’s Choice Act beginning with the June Primary Election, the pressure was on. The implementation took months and months of planning and coordination by all staff and what resulted was the mailing of more than 744,000 Vote by Mail ballots to registered voters throughout Sacramento County, opening 53 secure Drop Box locations beginning on May 8, and establishing 78 in-person vote centers, with 18 open from May 26 through June 5 and the remaining 60 open from June 2 through June 5, offering a total of 11 days of in-person voting opportunities.

From May 7 through June 4, there were 154,500 Vote by Mail ballots returned and 1,600 in-person voters. Then, on June 5, there were 148,000 Vote by Mail ballots returned and 16,000 in-person voters.  Ballot Drop Boxes were filling up as quickly as they were being emptied and Vote Centers were bustling with activity from curious residents eager to experience the new Vote Centers. 

“The decision to implement the Voter's Choice Act in Sacramento County was based on several significant factors. We wanted to increase voter participation and expand voting opportunities throughout the County," said Alice Jarboe, Interim Registrar of Voters for Sacramento County. “This is an incredibly exciting time for all of us and it was so rewarding to see residents adjusting to the new voting model." ​

Final results are available on DVRE's website that offers interactive features, allowing visitors to filter results in a variety of ways including by precinct or contest. 

Statewide Direct Primary Election Facts​

740,537 - Registered Voters in Sacramento
42% – Total voter turnout
7% - Voted at the Polling Place
93% - Voted by Mail 

For more information, contact Alice Jarboe at (916) 875-6255.  

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